Friday, September 3, 2010

It's Been A Long Time...

I Love My New Apartment!!!

WOW... I have no clue when my last post was made but I'M BAAAACCCCK!!!! LOL

Everything has been a little on the hectic side as of late, I recently moved into my first apartment and boy am I excited!!! This is a moment that I have been waiting for for a good while.

I'm so proud of myself, because I met my goal, and I plan to meet many more. As you all know, moving can take A LOT out of you, but now that I've been here for a week and 4 days, I'm pretty much settled as far as unpacking and setting up what I already have.

Now comes the good stuff! -cue mischievous smile & laugh- I read so many inspiring blogs from truly phenomenal women! So it's my turn to show you all what I'm made of.

So far, I've chosen my paint colors, yes I can paint here as long as whenever I decide to leave I paint it back boring white, and spray painted 2 picture frames white. Now while I'm on the topic of spray paint, let me voice very loudly my frustration with the fact that I CANNOT find Rustoleum Heirloom White at any of my local paint shops!!!!

 I have one more shop, if it's not there then I will throw in the towel and continue my quest with another color. The 2 frames that have been spray painted were done so with a simple flat white that can easily be renewed with a beautiful spray of Heirloom White, if I can find it...groan.
Hopefully I will find the right camera for me and I will be able to share my progress with you all!!!

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