Monday, April 26, 2010

Iman Park Festival 2010!!!!!!

So this weekend, I was able to attend the Inman Park Festival with my aunt and I saw some AMAZING arts and crafts. I've lived in Ga my entire life but I had never truly been to the Little 5 Points area, where the festival was located, but let me tell you I had a ball!

There were so many booths!!! I had no clue where to begin, so we just walked all over and witnessed some great things and some not so great things, yikes.
After a few minutes of browsing, we decided that it would be so much better to grab a bite to eat first then dive into the madness. We walked to a great little pizza place and had some pepperoni and onion slices with a side of Blue Moon beer...yummy:)

After ordering some friends arrived and decided they wanted sushi yuck, so I downed my beer and pizza and we were off. I don't do sushi but I do shrimp fried rice, had to soak up the rest of the beer , and off we went back to the festival.
Well...not right back to the festival... Little 5 Points has some great clothing stores and the fashion designer inside of me had to witness the glory! So after an hour of browsing we hurried back to the festival and I began my search for the perfect item to take with me.

I wasn't expecting to go to the festival so cash wise all I had was $5, and I refuse to remove cash from ATMs unless it's my banks. That's when it happened, my eyes landed on a gorgeous bracelet for, yes you guessed right, $5!!!!!!!
Where have you been all of my life?
Needless to say I'm in love with this bracelet and since I'm going to a concert in June, now all I have to do is find a great pair of heels and an awesome dress for the concert!!!:)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Interview With A Victorian House

I had to take a keepsake, so I plucked these off a bush next to the house
So... Today I finally got to see the glory of my dream home.

It was everything I imagined and more! My dad and I took the long 30 minute drive (if you don't know where you are going it's about 30 minutes , though now we do so hopefully it will only be 18 or 20 minutes next visit), and after a few misguided directions, mapquest sucks, we arrived!

It was too beautiful in person versus seeing it online. It has so much character AND so much land!!! Coming from my background (I've lived in apartments since the womb) there's never enough land and this was just what I want. I can build a personal design studio, put in a pool, build up a garden AND create a playground for my future bambinos!

I recognized the area as soon as we pulled up, I had attended a summer camp just 2 houses away when I was younger, so I was slightly familiar with the area. Palmetto, Georgia is actually lovely & peaceful. It has a very small town feel, which is something that I've always enjoyed since I was child and I would take summer vacations at my grandparents house in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Working in their cafe allowed me to see a lot of the old scenery from the old days because all of the original shops and houses were around the cafe.

The house definitely needs some MAJOR love and care. The wood is quite old and some boards are missing, a private fence needs to be installed for extra privacy and security, the overgrown trees and bushes need to be tamed, and the bottom half of the house needs to be rebricked. That's a lot of work for someone who has no money, no career (until school is finished) and no real knowledge of home improvement (besides what I've seen on TV).

But........ There's something about this house that screams to me. Even if I can't purchase it, I like that fact that I'm going to still try.

Its always good to try....:)


Saturday, April 17, 2010


Shimber me timbers!... i think

So as you can gather from my title (BIG HINT),  I'm getting ready to have a fish fry with my family. This is VERY new to me, I've never been to a fish fry, especially not with all of my family around.

See the fam and I have decided that we all should be closer, so once a month we all come together and enjoy a meal that my grammie and I cook together. Thats actually my most fav of all, is cooking with my grams. We try to do different themes so that everyone doesnt get too sick of eating the same ole same. So this month is the fish fry and I can't wait!!!!!!!

At the moment I'm trying to muster up the energy to finish cleaning my room and I havent even begun to contemplate what I'm going to wear. What does one wear to a family gather like this?... (and I'm the fashion designer huh? lol).

 Well no matters I'll hopefully find the energy to do both, lacking a little bit because my mother awoke me this morning saying she wanted to go for an imprompto 2 mile walk, but I did it for the extra bonding with my mom and I'm happy I did.

Oh well I guess it's time to get this show moving forward. Have a blessed day all!!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I Found My Dream House...Too Bad I Can't Afford It :(

So I found the house of my dreams!

Where have you been all of my life?...
It's a beautiful 120 year old Victorian 9 bedroom, 1 bath house.

When I saw it I absolutely fell in love with it.

The sweet front porch is what really caught my eye. It would be an amazing wrap around porch I think.

Add a cute swing and some hydrangea bushes and it would be my dream come true.

Too bad it's out of my price range... like waaaaayyyy out of my price range.

I've been looking for homes pricing for $50,000 to $75, 000, with no luck. Some of ones I have found are new models that do not appeal to me and the others are no better. I like homes with character and uniqueness.

Now to see this and for it to be so much, $125,000 to much, makes me wonder if I can some how swing it..... I have a long way to go career wise so if I did some how obtain this home, I most likely would not be able to start any renovations any time soon but it has SO many possibilities and I have SO many ideas. What is a woman to do?

OH MY...

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